Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Post #7152 Anticipation

 We got our second Covid shots this morning at 10 and are waiting to see if we will have side effects.

A cold start to the day, but lots of sunshine.

On the way home we stopped at the Brockport Animal Hospital to pick up more meds for Phoebe,  She stills continues to faint at least once a day.  Had a chance to talk to Dr. Edwards and feel quite a bit better about continuing as we have been.  Most of the day she looks like this, and I can't imagine putting her down.  I have to let her outside for a potty break in the middle of the night, and most of the time can fall back to sleep.  She's worth it, and heck....I can take a nap during the day if I have to.

I made a lot of meatloaf this afternoon so we have plenty of food around (in case I don't feel good).
Dinner was delicious.
Now, I'm going back out by the fire and will work on getting some ZZZZZZZZZs.
Night all.


  1. Phoebe is aging just like the rest of us. Heck I get up in the middle of the night to poddy too so it’s to be expected as they get older. She doesn’t seem to be in distress so I would just let her live with her “disability “ of fainting till you know it’s harder for her to come out of it.
    I hope you feel good tomorrow from your second vaccine. Kathy

  2. I hope Phoebe stays around for a lot longer. Sometimes I don’t get back to sleep after a middle of the night wake up call either. Hope you feel fine after your shots.

  3. Phoebe will tell you at the right time, as each one of our cats has done, and I surely hope that you do not get any severe side effects from the second vaccination . Meantime just cary on doing the best way, midnight calls, and carrying her in the daytime, you have love galore to do this with all your heart.

  4. Well I certainly hope that you don't get side effects.
    How are you feeling?

    Phoebe will know when it is time. I just dread how it feels.
    We are settling in on some more extremely cold weather. My phone keeps pinging with alerts.

  5. Thank you all for your very supportive comments. Phoebe has me on a merry Go Round but I am willing to take the ride.

    As for getting your second Covid shots....allow yourselves to take naps and don't be afraid to get in bed.


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