Thursday, January 28, 2021

Post #7139 Heading Toward an Arctic Blast....

Yikes!  I'm not looking forward to the temperature for the next 3 days.  It was 18 this afternoon and tomorrow it's going to feel like the single digits and we could have some snow and whiteouts.  

Can't wait.

We had a little more snow last night and it was crispy when I went out to the barn.

Will have to get Phoebe back in the house sooner, as the trip back to the house when it is this cold seems to be harder for her and we don't want her to faint.

Late morning I drove into Brockport for a haircut and stopped at Tractor Supply.
Going north, the sky was much darker.
It's amazing how the afternoons just fly by and I have not accomplished a thing.
Too much time on the computer....but look what I saw.  Jenny tagged me so I could see what she made for dinner last night.  Her first attempt at Chicken French!  Wowza!!!!

Years ago, Jenny worked as a Congressional Aide to John LaFalce, who was a good friend of Hillary Clintons.  In the photo below, they were at an event and both of them wore the same outfit.  Today John posted a different photo and I could tell it was taken on the same day as this one.  Jenny has had many unique opportunities.  After this one she became the Chief of Staff for the Democrats in the Monroe County Legislature and is currently the Chief of Staff for State Assemblyperson, Harry Bronson.
Do you wonder why we are so into politics???
Did not make dinner tonight.  Gary had leftover chicken soup and I had a fried egg sandwich.
Night all.



  1. I love making fried egg sandwiches. How I wish we could see the honor and integrity in politicians today that John always showed. Kathy

  2. Cold weather and specially the cold wind is not heart weather at all, or was for me, so maybe the same for Phoebe. She is a trooper, looks like the days ahead are going to be very cold, as I translate into Celsius, minus 12 C is very cold for anywhere down here.Take care, wrap up well.

  3. It appears we are missing the polar vortex type weather. It will stay in the teens most of the week, but we are getting used to it now.
    My SD sent me a recipe that I may just try out!
    Looks like ice and snow this weekend and...darn I had plans on Sunday to take friends hiking.

    That looks delicious!


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