Sunday, January 17, 2021

Post #7128 So It's the Bills vs. Kansas City!

We are still in the grey rut.

Angel was pretty gimpy today, but she did go out.

After chores I took a shower and drove down to Wegmans and the gas station.
The sky was very dark toward the lake.
Karen came back to ride Elliott and work on Angel.

I watched a very sweet movie this afternoon....

of course we were by the fire.
Evening chore duty did not take long.  All the snow melted (just a dusting) and the temperature was around 37.

Back in the house and finished up the leftover veggie lomain.
Not too much excitement around here.
Night all.

So glad Buffalo won their game yesterday and Kansas City won today.
I wonder if Steph and Joe will go see the game next Sunday in Kansas City.

1 comment:

  1. I can't recall the last time I saw football. However, it was grey and icky today. I spent the day inside except for some chores as we had mist that turned to ice and made everything slick. I figured it was a grand day for doing not much at all.


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