Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Post #7096 Not My Favorite Day....

What a day.  Scott and Gary worked for hours with the temperature in the low 20s to put a new hydrant in the barn.  The horse dentist arrived at the same time so there was a lot of activity.

We started off with 5 minutes of color.

Fortunately, Scott has a backhoe that would fit in our barn.
So much better when digging down over five feet.  Gary has had it doing this by hand
and we are very grateful to have this kind of help.  The person who was to install
the hydrant got sick, so Scott said he would do it himself.  What a gift.

Needless to say the. horses were curious about all the activity.

Elliott and Angel had their teeth done first,
so I went in the house and started making some applesauce.

When it was our turn, I brought Berlin and Rebel into the grooming room.
It's the first time the dentist has worked on Rebel as I did not own him until this past June.
He was in need of some work and was totally cooperative.

Berlin was a pain in the butt while he was being done....grabbing anything within her reach.
Jeff checked her mouth and did not have to do much.  At 35, we are lucky she has such good teeth
and we don't want to make it harder for her to eat.

Gary and Scott finished around 1:30 and by then the weather started to change.
I had put hay in the indoor for the ponies so they could get out of the wind.

And here is how the hydrant looks now!  We are back in business.
Finished dumping stones and cleaning up around 4.

By then it was snowing.
I promised Scott I would make him potato pancakes and made a big batch
that I delivered before they ate dinner. 
I love the lights on Jenny's house.
I took a picture of her Christmas tree through the window.
It's a beauty.
Her neighbors outdid themselves.

That's pretty much it.  Nap time.

Night all.

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