Sunday, December 13, 2020

Post #7093 We're Back

Dark grey and mildish this morning....but it got colder and colder as the day went on.

There was a lot of in and out with the pups.
A fire and Netflix for much of the afternoon.

It looks like we need a new hydrant in the barn and that will require a lot of digging.
Fortunately Scott has a small back hoe and can help Gary out.  It has been dug by
hand twice over the past 40 years, and it's a very nasty job....digging down four feet.
Just a few days ago we had to have the switch on our pump replaced in the house as
the water pressure was very inconsistent.  I hope that's it for awhile.

Chore duty tonight.  All but Berlin came in filthy.

I did make a good dinner.
BBQued boneless ribs with caramelized onions and carrots, potatoes and a salad.

This Covid stuff is turning me into a very lazy person.
Especially when it's ugmo outside.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. That is one of the issues with Covid and with the cold weather coming in. It is so hard to stay motivated to do much.


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