Monday, November 23, 2020

Post #7073 Staying Close to Home

Lots of Covid around here.  We are in a yellow zone and could be headed toward orange.  On top of that, the weather ended up being gloomy for much of the day. It's good that there are many things to keep us busy around the farm, as I'm not going anywhere but Wegmans and the feed store.

Much of the country is in this position because (most of the time) for political reasons, we can't get our crap together with this mask and distancing issue.  You want schools open?  You don't want businesses to close?  You don't want to lose family members?  Unless we work together....the entire country.....we are going to prolong this pandemic and our economy is going to end up in rough shape for a longer period of time.  We are the reason we are in this position.  I'm so sick of all the excuses and people who take this lightly.  On the news just now, they said the Cleveland Clinic has 1000!!!! employees out and in quarantine.  It's ok if they bust their butts to save others, but we don't work hard enough to keep them from being overwhelmed again.  Between that and the daily embarrassments going on in the political world, we look like a bunch of idiots.  Can you tell I have reached my capacity?????

One of these days I am going to tell you what I really think.

Night all.



  1. If I ever told everyone what I really think nobody would believe it! I agree with everything you said. The only thing I can say is there are a lot of selfish morons out there.

  2. My family has the saying..."Don't be wishy-washy tell me what you feel." Yeah, I think we're all feeling it. Want to get out, but it would be really stupid to do that, and I'm (and my husband) an introvert, lol. Somehow this too shall pass. Have a good Thanksgiving.

  3. Oh, and I meant to include in my comments...I love seeing your horses. They make me smile. Thank you.

  4. Haha, I think I get what you really think, and seems like I am in complete agreement! Out here in California we are in the purple zone so will have a quiet Thanksgiving with my husband and Zoom with our children and grands. Just convinced hubby to stop going to the grocery store for a few months (again). At least there is some progress on the political front if we can survive until Jan. 20. Thanks for sharing your days. I love being able to check in every night.

  5. This all makes me realise without a doubt how safe we are down here, anyone flying in has to go into quarantine and if tested positive goes into isolation, everyone now has to pay for 14 days minimum. Keep sane and safe ,Lori, and Gary, and your family? those inner strengths you all have will play a huge part in coping with everything the virus is hurling your way. I so wish I could help and make it all better, but like the visit to the doctor and given a jelly bean after the injection, even that wouldn't be enough. A heap of love to you all.XXX

  6. Local Doctors put out a plea on the local radio stations, the local papers to PLEASE wear masks, stay at home, be careful, and distance. AND to stay home for Thanksgiving.

    They are at the point that they have no place to turn with our 25 bed hospital with no ICU. The big hospitals are full...or not quite full but so many staff are out it is a toss up for care. They caution that they may have to make difficult decisions soon.'re elderly and have health issues...we'll send you home to die and take the 40 yr old in the other ER room....

    The health department had to create a New Zone for most of our state. I think we went from high to critical which is like a deep dark purple.
    No matter, it should be Black.

  7. Val, Arlene, Nancy, Marcy and Helen! Thank you so much for your comments on this post. I'm afraid we are at the tip of the iceberg. After the holiday season there will be an even bigger mess in our hospitals. Without cooperation we are going to be in very deep tapioca. Hope you are all having a quiet, delicious Thanksgiving. Stay well!

  8. I totally agree that I am at my breaking point too of stupidity in people who deny this virus is real. I don’t need friends that bad who are taking this lightly. This just shows their true character. It’s just grocery store runs for me now so might run into you again in Wegmans. But if all this spread came after Halloween gatherings, God help us what Thanksgiving and travelers will do in two weeks to the overburdened hospitals.


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