Friday, October 23, 2020

Post#7040 We Broke the Record. 80 Degrees.



Berlin is always the first one out after breakfast and she heads down to the door by Elliott's stall.
By then, the sky was bright blue.

After chores I went to the Brockport Animal hospital to pick up Phoebe's pills.
They still had petunias in full bloom.

From there, I went to Country Max for grain and when I got back to the farm I started moving
brush, as there will be a pick up by the town on Monday.  We have a lot.....always.

Could not have been more beautiful.

A lot of leaves have dropped, so I decided to mow the lawn and mulch them up. 
 This weather has me goin'.

This afternoon I picked more raspberries.  Wonder how long they are going to last.
Dinner?  Put everything together and made a pasta casserole and a fresh salad.

In a few days it's going to be dark before 5:30.  That will be an adjustment.
Night all.


I am so tired of the political scene I could scream.

REPETITION 24 Hours a day.


1 comment:

  1. I get the political screaming thing. I feel the only thing I can do is hope that my vote counts for something.
    We hit a low record yesterday! Wow, how different things can be!
    Tomorrow we should get 1 to 3 inches of snow.
    Covid has hit our ridge.
    Times are very strange.


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