Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Post #7023 Hail!!!!

Crazy weather today.

The sky was red for about 5 minutes around 7.

By the time I finished chores it started raining.
I brought in the hibiscus plants yesterday, and this morning we had a new blossom.
I had Gary move the humungous Elephant Ear plant to the library as it was too big for the kitchen.
had a rehearsal set for 1:30 in the indoor.  At 1:25 we had thunder, lightning, a monsoon and hail!          It was so wild I had to put the horses in their stalls.

Within half an hour the sun appeared so I put them back out.

My photos were terrible and I give up on taking videos at our rehearsals.

There is no way I can take them from where I am sitting, as all you can hear is me                                 sounding as flat as a pancake.

The late afternoon sun was backlighting the hibiscus blossoms.

It was so late I had to make a simple dinner.

Very satisfying and delicious.
I put the horses in for Karen tonight.

They were really bugging me as they did not want to go in the barn.

I needed to put a rope around Rebel's neck and led him in.  The others finally followed.

Looking forward to the debate.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. We have debates down here too, but SO much safer than any up your way. Hail, is that a taste of the season coming?


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