Friday, September 18, 2020

Post #7004

Really cool this morning and it stayed in the 50s all day.

We may get a frost tonight so I picked what I could out of the garden.
Does anyone need green tomatoes?

Made some croutons....
and picked greens for tonights salad.

Did a lot of mowing today and when I went around the outside of the pasture 
the ponies were very curious.

Even mowed down the lane.

Fortunately Gary does the hand mowing.

There was some very good light late afternoon.  In the house....

and in the barn.
This is Berlin's stall.  Notice the stonework and whitewashed beams. 
Such a classic barn, over 150 years old.  

Leftovers for dinner.

Night all.


  1. Beautiful shadows, and green tomatoes, they have fruited for such a long time. We have plants ready to go into the garden, but too early yet, with cold nights and too much wind.

  2. Dear Lori, your lawn is BEAUTIFUL! So lush and your ponies curiosity is cute. I also love seeing our pets roll about on the lawn; shows their happiness. The lighting in your home is lovely. And wow, that barn is unique. I always enjoy a walk through your farm. I can see all is well with you and Gary. Be safe and keep well. Jo


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