Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Still Picking Strawberries.....

Today Neal (a superb mason)arrived at 8:30 to repair our outside fireplace.
It backs up to the fireplace in our kitchen.  Will show the results tomorrow.
The tomato plants Gary put in our kitchen garden next to the back porch have gone crazy. They are leaning onto the floor by about two feet!  Out of control.

He did a great job stacking the wood yesterday.

We are all set for the winter. 

This afternoon the humidity disappeared and there was a perfect breeze.

Todays' bounty.....strawberries, tomatoes, squash and basil.

I made a different salad for dinner tonight.  Everything was from our garden. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and a red pepper topped with crumbly blu and a balsamic dressing.A roasted chicken from Dannys'....and grilled corn on the cob.  It was probably the best ever.

Tonight we went to Coops' last ball game.

There were so many runs scored by both teams
it lasted much longer than usual

and was called because of darkness.
Strawberry shortcake when we got home.
 Night all.


  1. Another perfect day and all from your own garden, that is the best ever.

  2. Some day I will try that grilled corn, not brave enough yet. Our last grill died and we have a mini one on the porch that we use a lot, especially nice in the winter.
    I love that outside fireplace! Wishing I had a 'summer' kitchen to put up tomatoes!
    Horrid hot here.
    Loved your sunset photos.
    Our skies are so hazy from smoke I think. The moon was orange when it began its western descent last night. Odd looking.


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