Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Blueberry/Strawberry Pie.....

 The usual.....

My friend, Hanny brought up two quarts of beautiful 
blueberries this morning.  I traded her beets, cucumbers
and yellow squash.  Love doing this.
 Before she got here, Gary picked some strawberries
and a few raspberries.

 I had everything I needed for a no bake pie.

There is something about a cool, rainy day that makes me want
to cook.  I had some leftover chicken broth so I made Little Wonder
and Phoebe a jar of chicken noodle soup.....their favorite.
 We have a sculpture leaning against a tree
over by the studio, and for several years 
bees have made it their home.  Last week I 
did not see any.  Today they were back.

 Late afternoon I went back to the garden and picked two
bunches of celery and a lot of peppers.

 The San Marzano tomatoes are getting huge.

 Made a quick delivery to Jenny and then
 worked on dinner.
 A Cesar salad, grilled burgers (mixed in chopped onions and red pepper salsa)
and home fried potatoes.  More picnic food.
 I had to go back out to the barn after we ate
to put some shavings in Berlin and Rebel's stalls.

 All was quiet and the horses were ready for Karen
to put them in for the night.
I don't know if I made a mistake or not....but I invested
some bucks in a ramp for Phoebe.  She is so tiny and
for her to jump on the couch is like us jumping twice our 
height.  So far her back has been good and I want it to
stay that way.  Our bed is so high I always lift her on and off.
The minor detail....it makes the room look ugly!
Fortunately it folds easily and I can hide it.

That's it....

Night all.
Time for dessert.


  1. A ramp is such a god idea, never mind what it looks like, making life easier for everyone is a blessing, we have one by the back verandah, for Hugh's mobility scooter,( and the occasional ambulance stretcher!!) and our old cat Felicity, for the last few months I had to lift her onto a chair or bed. Such goodies from your garden, and blueberries, they are the best.

  2. I think the ramp looks fine. You might drop it down to just under the cushion height. Berlin looks good :-).


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