Tuesday, August 11, 2020

A Stop Along the Way

I let the dogs out at 6 and could not fall back asleep.

        When I got back in the house this bug was on the kitchen table.  Where did it come from?????

As per usual, the pups and I went out to do chores around 7:30. 

After chores I did a few things around the house, then tuned in to the "Kelly and Ryan" show, as our friend Chet Fery (the Breadman), was going to be featured.  National television!

Around 11, Judy stopped up for a basket of veggies. We have had no trouble finding homes for them.

While she was here I made some pasta salad for dinner.

At 3:15 we were expecting friends who are on a 4 month tour of the US before heading back to New Zealand (their home country).  We have known Rindy since she was a kid.  Her Mom, Melanie,  was visiting the US and ended up staying with us for awhile back in the 70s (she had come to visit  Terry S., who was working in Admissions at the college with Gary).  Her boyfriend came over from N.Z. and they were married in Toronto.  They worked on sheep farms in Calgary and England before going home and had two children. They have been back and forth many times over the years and all this time, we have kept in touch.  Rindy went to Purdue and became a Veterinarian....she and her husband have lived in Indiana for 15 years and now have 4 daughters.  This is their bon voyage journey before moving back to New Zealand.  I watched for them by the road to make sure they would not pass the farm.

We have not seen Rindy for 22 years!
What a treat to reconnect and meet her family.

Fortunately, Jenny and the boys were able to come up while they were here.

They had to leave a little before 5.  Rindy drove on the way in and Scott, when they left.  That is one big rig and it had to take awhile to get used to driving it!

   I'm so glad we were able to connect, even if it was for a short time.          

                                                                And that does it for today.

                                                                             Night all.  


  1. Big Rig indeed, they would find it hard to turn on some of our narrow roads.What a grand reunion you all had, hope they have a safe return, if they live near Auckland, everything has changed since yesterday.After 102 days with no new cases, a family in South Auckland has tested positive, so I hope they check all the new regulations that are in place, mandatory isolation is necessary, masks on any internal flights, we had thought it was all safe again, not so. Love your yummy goodies on the table.

  2. Looks like it was a wonderful day. Love all the photos!


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