Thursday, July 9, 2020

Introductions Day 1

 Some said the temperature was 99, another friend registered 101!
 Poor Elliott talked to me all day, begging to be with the 
other horses when they were out of sight.

 They spent a lot of time in the barn....out of the sun.
The fan helped a little.
 I picked some veggies for friends.

 Between that and garlic pick ups, we saw more people than we have seen in ages.

 I was totally shocked when Andrea showed up with Cindy 
who was on a mission for some garlic)!
So was Judy (who was here to pick up squash and romaine)...
as we had just been talking about her and her sister Helen.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate having a window
air conditioner in the kitchen....totally changes my recovery
time after I have been outside.
 This afternoon Karen put Angel out with Elliott
 and we decided to put them all together.
 Of course Berlin loved him.

 My big concern was Rebel.  Even tho they were
in the same pasture with 20 geldings at Forrestel Farm
last summer....they were not used to being with mares.
We had a few exciting moments, but it went fairly well.
The important thing is for us to be there.
Everything was fine until the back 40 neighbor 
started flying by with his lawn tractor.  That was when 
they started to run around.

We will do this for a little while each day and hopefully
they will be ok by Sunday.

 Gary was kind enough to order take out tonight.
We had Reubens from 58 Main.
 By the time we finished.....
 some good light.

Night all.

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