Saturday, June 27, 2020

More of the Same

 It was spritzing when I went out to do chores but it did not last long.

 (the wet noodle)

Moved some sand around in the indoor and the horses came in for a visit.

 Before lunch I finished mowing the lawn and grabbed
some shots of Gary's big veggie garden.
These photos are for you Tom Root.
 The recent rain has helped.

 Did you ever try to grow celery?

 Most of the day was spent removing more snow on the mountain.
A lot of work!  Gary is over half done and it has been a back breaker.

 Jenny stopped up with some stuff we had left at her house
and we had a chance to catch up.  She has been very busy
with the recent primary election.
 Dinner?  A fresh salad and 
 leftovers from last night.

 Tucked the horses in for the night around 7.
The gnats were terrible and they were most
grateful to go in their stalls.
 So here I am.  Good light.

Night all.


  1. Those cosmos, is that a chocolate one? Lovely from dawn to dusk.

  2. Wow, what beautiful gardens! Gary does amazing work! I can't get into my veggie garden now, it is too wet from all of our recent rains.
    An indoor arena would be nice. Maybe one day?

  3. The gardens look amazing! As always :-).


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