Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Lots of Clover

 Not quite so hot today, and there was a nice breeze part of the time.

 After chores I mowed the front paddock, and this afternoon I
mowed all but part of the big pasture.

 Finn and Coop came up to do some gardening for Gary.
They cleared out a lot more of the snow on the mountain.
 While they worked on that I went to a meeting.
We are creating a panel to be installed near the
Alumni House at the college, honoring our good friend
and local artist, Helen Smagorinsky.  Her work is in homes
and Museums all over the country and we were lucky enough
to have her in our community.

 I picked up some pizza on my way home so Finn
and Coop could have lunch before Jenny picked them up.
The work Gary had them doing was not easy....they deserved a treat.
After that I spent a couple hours mowing and have more to do tomorrow.
 Could not believe all the clover.

 This is a before shot of the big pasture.

 Half done.

 Gary spent a lot of time gardening....as he does every day.
We could use some rain.
 Dinner was an instant replay.

 Dunn's delivered a new chair for the kitchen, which Gary is probably
napping in at this moment.  I need another one!
So, we are going to take it easy.

Good light.
Night all.

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