Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Happy Birthday Jen!

We celebrated last Saturday, but today is her Birthday!
She is having a very special dinner tonight.

Meanwhile back at the ranch.
Things are coming in threes.
Yesterday we lost Maggie,
Angel was gimpy,
and Rebel could not get his spring shots
because he had a fever.  Now!  He's on antibiotics.
Hopefully everything will be ok.
 I went out to take Rebel's temperature last night and checked on
Angel, who was very happy to be in Maggie's stall.
 Of course he is acting normal, but I still worry.

 I can't even imagine how much water Gary lugs around to water 
some of his veggies and flowers.  We have not had rain for quite awhile.

 My two students arrived at 10....

 While their papier mâché was drying we took a tour of
the barns and visited the horses.

 This is my favorite shot of the day.
 Phoebe slept in the Studio the entire time we were gone.
Woke her up with a clap.

 After lunch I finished mowing the last part of the big pasture.
The golf course is back.
 I even dragged the indoor.
 Gary's gardens are coming along.
The only thing I'm not impressed with is the spinach.
It just does not like being in the raised bed.
Romaine, on the other hand, is doing very well.

 Dinner?  BLTs (Romaine from the garden) and roasted potatoes.
 It's a good thing I found this little piece of equipment,
as I have to pulverize Rebel's antibiotic pills (45 at a time) in
order to get them to dissolve in a syringe.  He will 
need two doses each day.
Won't that be fun for him.....

Night all.


  1. That is also my favorite shot of the day. Very special. And Happy Birthday to Jen again! Hope Rebel is feeling much better soon with his meds. When Hanz had Lymes he had capsules but didn't seem to mind them just thrown in his food. The students projects are coming along nicely. I always love Phoebes expressions.

  2. My pick as well,one to keep.hope all the others get better,as everyone is telling me" be positive" Hugh grows massive spinach, together with radish and silver beet,and they all thrive together.

  3. What a wonderful shot! Hopefully all things go smoothly and you get some rain too. We are in for a few days of light rain. It came just right though when the crops needed it.


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