Sunday, June 14, 2020

Ed's Magic Garden

Another cool, but very beautiful day.
Started off with a new blossom.

 Maggie has not been doing very well....still think it's an abscess
and the Vet is coming tomorrow to check on her and will give them 
all their spring shots.

 Every morning Gary waters his new veggie plants.
 Of course Phoebe needed her t-shirt and wanted to go
in the house instead of hanging out with me.
 Around 9:30 we headed into Charlotte to pick up more tomatoes.We could not handle
 having them go in a compost pile.  After all, they are San Marzanos!
There were a little over 30 left out of the 480 Ed grew from seed.
 This is the Port of Rochester on Lake Ontario.

 Ontario Beach Park looked spectacular.
 After we put about 30+ plants in the car,  I wanted
to be sure and get a tour of Ed's garden.
 I loved all these boxes of pansies outside the greenhouse.
Not to mention this water feature.  So peacefullllll.

You could not ask for a better setup.

 I swear, Jack and the beanstalk must live here.
He has at least 50 celery plants along with everything else you can think of....including grapes.
 Check this out.  He is growing the tomatoes on strings.
See those little round things keeping the stalk by the string?
I will be very interested in seeing how this works.
Volumes in a relatively small space.

 We took the Parkway home so we could stay by the lake.

 I treated us to breakfast at The Farmer's table (lunch) on the way home
and there was only 1 other person in the restaurant.  Everything inside
was well set up for social distancing.
 We got back to the farm a little after 12:30.
Two friends stopped in and we unloaded some of the tomato
plants, garlic scapes, rhubarb and some manure.
Quite a combo.

 I spent the next couple of hours working in the Studio.
It felt good to throw out a lot of (crap) stuff that's been there for years.

 I have a great old Sony sound system (over 40 years old) out there and played some
Barry White while I was cleaning.

 Chore duty....

 Then we had leftover chicken and corn from Jen's party.
I also had to use up a mango before it was too ripe.
Somehow I lost the photo of her birthday cake that we had for dessert
It was delicious!
Night all.
A fun day.


  1. Happy birthday Jenn hope the whole day was sunny and bright. All ok here,now I have Hughs iPad can do my blog a lot easier.the grass and those fab gardens,nothing can beat home grown.

  2. Beautiful flowers! That's some garden your friend has too. Great the way he's set it up. Phoebe couldn't look cuter in her t-shirt either. What a face. Hope Maggie is better soon and if it is an abscess it blows soon.


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