Sunday, May 17, 2020

Third Trike Ride This Week....On a Roll.

 Perfect temperature for a trike ride.

 Got home

in time to listen to the Governor's report.
He demonstrated the Covid test.
Our county is still on the rise with 2182 confirmed cases 
as of yesterday and 171 deaths.

I tuned into the Buskers Zoomfest and did not
get very far as I got a phone call.  Here
is a short clip.

Started watching a Netflix series called
"Restaurants on the Edge" and it was right up my alley.
I think it inspired me as I was making dinner.

 Won tons with a dipping sauce....
 and a veggie stir fry.

 Delicious and I made enough for tomorrow night.
 The pups and I went out to do evening chores after dinner.

Now it's time to do nothing.

Night all.

One of my bridge buddies shared this with me
and I could not resist posting it.


  1. Great card game!!!! All looks good with your longer daylight, after dinner it is so dark outside.

  2. Our state has no rules any more, the State Supreme Court tossed out the stay at home rules and now it is up to each area to decide what to do. Free for all.
    The numbers in your area or horrifying! Stay safe.


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