Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Red Coats Were Back This Morning

With the strong winds, we spent part 
of the day in the high 20s!

 After chores I grabbed some rhubarb for a 10am pick up.
Julie is making a rhubarb BBQ Sauce that I must try.
 As soon as she got here it started snowing.

 Gary took his coffee out on the back porch and watched the birds.

 Around 11 the pups and I got in the car
 and drove down to the community center to pick up masks.
 They did this all over the county today.

 We had so many changes in the minute a squall, 
the next minute blue skies.

 I went out and picked daffodils 

 and tulips in case they were going to be destroyed.

 I had evening chore duty and by then it was not snowing.

 This handsome boy.....The not going back to camp
this year.  It may be closing down permanently and they are 
placing 60 horses.  I don't want him to be anywhere but here,
so I am buying him.
 Berlin is going to have a year round brother from now on!

 Leftovers for dinner.

 Meatball stroganoff, peas and salad.
Today I binged on the second season of "Marcella."
Scary, but interesting.

Night all.

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