Saturday, May 2, 2020

Nice To Spend The Day Outside

 What a busy day.
Chores.  Picked rhubarb.  Made chicken salad.
Made chicken stock.  Made rice and beans. 
 Baked a rhubarb pie.  Mowed the lawn. 
Cleaned out weeds and ivy.
Evening chores.

 (curbside pickup for Jenny)

Night all.


  1. Love the tulips! And the animals, of course.

  2. Dear Lori, what a treat for me to wander through your farm. Oh how I love rhubarb; I had a shrub in my Marquard garden, (my previous life) and always made a rhubarb cobble. Seymour reminds me of my Mama. So good to see your Little Wonder and all the others on the farm. Be safe, Jo


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