Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Very Special Day

We got out of Dodge for three hours this afternoon.

 We dropped a pot of chives off at Randy's
 then headed out to Lake Ontario.
 Our first real time for social distancing with friends....
Topper and Carol B.
 I think you can imagine how great it felt to be by
crystal clear water under blue skies.

 I wanted to take a walk and looked for 
pieces of beach glass.  Found several....
mostly green, white and blue.

 Having grown up on Chautauqua Lake, being here was perfect.

 From morning until now, the weather has been absolutely perfect.

 Dinner was an instant replay.
Chet's hot dog sauce was off the charts.

Night all.


  1. All the animals look happy and well cared for! No surprise there! Good that you had a nice day to visit friends at the lake. I think we're all a little stir crazy!

  2. To be out at last, and with friends, the best of all. We had an outing this week as well, to Taupo, about 3 plus hours North of us, a beautiful day after an hour of mist and thick fog and the lake view, a perfect spot to be.


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