Thursday, April 30, 2020

It's Been Raining Most of the Day....

 Fortunately it did not start until chores were finished.
 Berlin really sticks by me when I am in the barn.

 The outdoor arena looked like this at 9am, now it is flooded.
More grass has shown up....we still need some warmer days.

 The temperature started to drop a little and the horses
were smart enough to stay under the shed roof or in the
indoor .....out of the rain.
 It was time to make more brownie cupcakes.

 These have to last us for six days.
 roasted chicken
 and a salad with mangoes, bananas, walnuts and crumbly blu.

 Little Wonder and Phoebe enjoyed theirs too.
A good night for a fire.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Rationing the cookies!!! Smart to stay dry and warm, they have that inner sense , Maybe they wanted some goodies too. All OK here, but the level 3 has more problems, it should be still safe distancing, contactless sales, some places have been warned after crowds were too close, at a burger outlet!!! Why
    so many people went crazy that first day is beyond me, surely safety should be before food!!!


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