Monday, April 27, 2020


We started off with a very damp, mucky morning
and ended up with a beautiful afternoon.

 A little after 8 the highway crew got here to pick up our brush.
With all their equipment, it did not take long and they raked 
up the area before they left.  Really appreciate what they do.

 After chores I made a quick trip to Aldi's and 
Tractor Supply for some shavings.
Decided to make country ribs for dinner and marinated them 
in onions and homemade BBQ sauce.
 By late afternoon it was so beautiful I
 just had to go for a trike ride.  I only do about 4 miles
for now.  Need to get back to my usual 7 or 8.
 Gary spent the afternoon turning one of the gardens near
the studio into a strawberry patch.  A perfect spot,
far away from everything else.

 I wanted to try making Hasselback potatoes for dinner.
Ironically, this was started in Sweden.
 First, you cut the potatoes....not quite to the bottom.
By setting them between spoon handles, you are
kept from going all the way through.

 I brushed them with a blend of melted butter and olive oil,
then put some onions in between some of the sections.

 In the meantime, Gary grilled the country ribs,
 and I made some coleslaw (love it with BBQ).
Just before the potatoes were finished I threw on a little cheese.
 Topped it with sour cream and chives from our garden.  What a great combo.
 Someone suggested making lime jello with pears the other day,
so I gave it a try.  Dessert, if we ever get hungry again.

Good light.  

Good night.

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