Sunday, March 29, 2020


From the 40s to 70.
Grey, gorgeous, windy, hail, gorgeous.
We had a family Zoom session at 1:30.
(First time ever and it was fun.)
A new blossom. 
I went for a trike ride that was cut short and I got home in
time to put the horses in the barn before the weather went nuts.
They were only in for 40 minutes as the sun came back out.
Turkey Reubens from Barbers for dinner..
Found a new series to binge on....Designated Survivor.

 Naked by 9.

That was my first clue about a front moving in....

Horses in.

Back out.

We got a lot of water in a very short time.

 Worked on taxes....
 Good light....

 Tucked in the horses around 6:45.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. We had a wild storm Sunday night where it came down so hard it washed off gravel from our driveway. Wild and wicked were the winds and the rain.
    Looks like spring is being a bit wild!


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