Thursday, March 12, 2020

In Solitary Today

Do you know the song
"You Ain't Goin' Nowhere?"
That would be me....
stickin' close to home.

 Maggie and Angel got new sheets!

 And then there is Rebel in his old dirty Rambo.

 Berlin stays pretty clean.

 Not much excitement today.
An instant replay for dinner.

 The temperature reached around 49 and all kinds 
of green things were popping up in the gardens.
 The sun appeared late around 5:30.

 The pups and I were in slow.
 Sophie has been getting more comfortable in the house lately
and has been behaving herself (not marking the floor).

 Seymour spends more time inside than any of the three cats.
Well, this virus thing is definately bringing about some changes in our area
as well as around the country.  My gut feeling is that all schools should be
closed for the next few weeks to slow things down.  Most hospitals are
not set up to handle what is coming down the pike.  Both colleges being 
attended by our granddaughters are going to have students finish their semesters
on line.  Daniela is still in Costa Rica for her Soccer Tournament and
will be home in a couple of days.  What a way to start her first year
of College.  Hopefully, people are taking this seriously.  Finn's baseball
trip to Myrtle Beach has been cancelled, so much for the family vacation.
All over the place many people have said they can't get toilet paper, bleach and hand
sanitizers at their local stores.  This could get interesting.  Hopefully
we are ok here at the farm, tho I will need more grain next week.
As expected, our She Sings gig was cancelled for Monday evening.
Hope you are all doing well.

Night all.


  1. So far we are OK, 5 confirmed cases in NZ, and 2 possible. We are avoiding crowds of any kind, and many events have been cancelled down here. If you can buy isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel, a make your own hand sanitiser can be made, but the alcohol is almost unobtainable here. Gin is not the required percentage. Meantime, the " She Sings" has travelled south, as we wash our hands to tunes of vintage years!!!Stay safe up North.

  2. I laughed at my husband the time he came home with 25 bottles of bleach from an auction. I stored it and tried to give it away. Now he has the laugh on me.
    We are pretty isolated ourselves and really it is ME that has to buckle down and sit this thing out for his sake.
    Today may be my last outing for a while. Workout, store, drop off gifts at the NH, a hike and home. Oh and dog food!
    Stay safe and well.


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