Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Visit to Wegmans....

A little milder than yesterday....very muddy in the front paddock.

 After chores I made my first attempt at connecting with Zoom.
It took awhile, but I finally got it to work with a couple people in
She Sings.
We tried singing and playing and it was a bust.  Fine for talking,
but not good enough for the musical part.  Oh well.  Now I
know how to have a group conversation.

I had not left the house for 8 days, so today I volunteerd to 
go to Wegmans for Gary's paper and a few items.  Much of the
store was restocked.  No paper goods, flour or ground beef but everything
else was there and there were not that many people shopping.
A lot of people must be making bread!
They still have hand sanitizers at the entrance and I wipped off
my cart handle, which I have been doing for years.
Not a very productive afternoon for me.
Gary planted beets and snow peas.

 Salad and pizza for dinner.

Night all.


  1. We can all be so thankful for phones, internet, our blogs, Instagram and more. NZ is in shutdown at midnight tonight, only essential services will continue to operate. No one should be out on the streets or roads, unless for a necessary trip, i.e. groceries, doctor, or similar. Vets can stay open as pets and animals need care too. I can see lots of solitary Ukulele playing for a while.

  2. I played (at playing) my hammered dulcimer with a uke group last summer. The leader tried to get us together to play using Zoom. For whatever reason (I couldn't attend remotely) it didn't work. She's trying again today with FaceBook live. She did say that she would mute her mic as there would be a time delay in what she was hearing and possibly feedback. Don't know if that was your problem.
    You guys are in a good place to weather this particular storm. I pity the folks who are in small quarters in a city.


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