Friday, February 7, 2020

The Power Bowl Debut....

More snow today.
Area schools were closed.

 Fortunately for me, every morning Gary sets up the water trough.
Breaks the ice and removes it, then adds hot water for a head start
for the heater.
 It started snowing like crazy, 
 so I put hay nets under the shed roof 

 and also set more up in the indoor.

 At 10 I made a quick run to Wegmans and got home
in time to take Phoebe to the Brockport Animal Hospital for
her follow up appointment.  She had another x-ray and there
was some improvement.  Needs to finish her 10 days of meds
and then we will see what is needed after that.  She has been eating,
taking her meds, going outside with Little Wonder and playing
with him once in awhile.

 The afternoon was spent snoozing....
 along with her brother.

 It stayed grey all day long.  I felt sorry for the horses
and put them in early.  Within minutes it stopped snowing.
 Around 3:30 Gary got out the snowblower.

 I decided to make power bowls for dinner.
Have you ever eaten a version?
First a sauteed an onion with grated carrots, a tomato
and some chopped roasted red peppers.  Added black beans
and let it cook down for well over an hour.
 In the meantime, I made some
 Also made a pot of white rice.

 Then... prepared some greens, cheddar cheese
and chicken (had purchased a roasted 
chicken at Wegmans earlier).
 First I put in the rice....
 then some beans...
 and dripped on some roasted red pepper salsa.
 You can eat it like this, or add some dressing....Catalina (just a little)
works well with this combo.
It was delicious.
Now I will start thinking of all different combos.
Night all.

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