Thursday, February 20, 2020

Feels Cold...

Woke up to snowflakes.

 At 11 I went down to the library to do a photoshoot for a
friend who is writing an article for the local paper.
What a fabulous facility for our residents.
This is the entrance to the children's section.
 I was home for a few hours...
 (there was some good light)

 and had a Town Gown meeting at 3:30.
Always good to catch up on the latest happenings
at the College and Village.
On my way home the sun was setting and

 by the time I went out to do evening chores
there were pink clouds in the back forty.

 We had leftover chicken and rice soup for dinner.
Now all I want to do is....get out by the fire.

1 comment:

  1. You are the most community active person I know. I love that. Your photos make me smile every time. I especially love the good light series. Take care and enjoy the warmup I am sure is coming very soon. Hugs B


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