Monday, December 23, 2019

We Deserve This Beautiful Day After 6 Weeks of Winter Before December 21st!

 Love those Colorado skies.
 When I finished cleaning stalls I went out to grab some photos
and this is how Maggie looked.  Her leg straps had broken and she 
was about to lose her blanket over her head.

 I straightened it out and she rolled within seconds.

 Berlin really concerned me this morning.  She has been off her feed
for a couple of days and there was little if any manure in her stall.
As soon as she left her stall she did drop some, but seemed to be straining.
We don't need a Merry Christmas colic.
She took a nap in the sunshine while I dug up my thermometers.

 I brought her into the grooming room and put her in a stall.
Most of the time if she is in by herself she gets a little anxious
and today was no exception.  She dropped another load and when
I took her temperature it was 99.9.  All that was encouraging.

 The temperature was headed toward 50 degrees, but the wind made it a little cooler.
With all the melting, there was more grass available and she went for it.
Hopefully she will be back to normal.  These big swings in temperature don't help one bit.

 Gary was given many poinsettia plants and he shared 10 of them with
me.  I took them down to the Town Hall and gave them to all the employees 
we have been working with for the past 4 years.  Next Monday is our
last board meeting...Mary and I will miss this crew.

 As you can see, a lot of the snow disappeared.

 Berlin took another snooze.

 When she saw me, she perked up.

 The Rebel is extra hunky.

 By tomorrow, most of the snow should be gone.
Good news for people traveling.

 Gary and I worked on the house in preparation for tomorrow.
I found a hambone in the freezer and made a quick pot of soup out
of whatever was in the frig.
 It was delicious.
He ran into Chet (the Breadman) and was given
a loaf of bread that was just right for our meal.
 Of course I am loving the Twinkie lights in
the living room.  I also have them in the library,
dining room and kitchen so it should look pretty mellow on Christmas Eve.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Berlin, this is not the time to be off your tucker. Hope you are a whole heap better by the time Santa will drop in. Down here, grand-daughter is just off to hospital with appendicitis!!!! Not what you or we want right now. Lori and Gary and all your family, Many Wonderfrul Season's Greetings to you all, with Best Wishes for 2020.


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