Sunday, December 1, 2019

Freezing Rain and Hail....

Little Wonder and Phoebe went with me for morning chores.....

 but I put them back in the house early.

 The horses were out for about 2 hours when the weather changed.
First we had freezing rain, then it switched over to hail.
With the wind, the temperature must have been in the teens.
 Time for their heavier blankets.

 By 10am they were back in their stalls.
 When Gary got home from coffee, he started working on the dining room.
 By then the road was packed with ice.

 We had a fire going all day...the pups and I took it easy.

 Sidney joined us.
 By late afternoon Gary finished priming the room.
 At evening chore time the temperature was 32 degrees and it did not feel that bad.

 Before dinner I drove down to Wegmans to pick up a few things.
Not in the mood to do much....sloppy joes....
 The carnations on our kitchen table look as good as they did when I bought them.

I need to get energized tomorrow!
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Soon I will have some carnations! I do love their smell in the winter! Some people can't take the scents, but I do like them the best.
    You have been busy.
    We have had a very quiet week of weather now that Thanksgiving is past. Thank goodness, sunshine to dry things out!


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