Friday, December 20, 2019

Comfort Food

Not nearly as frigid as yesterday.

 After chores I drove in to Stutzman's to pick up my uke as it needed to
be set up and new strings were put on.  This one (my first baritone uke) is not electrified and it will
be fun to use when we are acoustic.  It is much easier to play now.
On the way home I filled up my car with gas and stopped at Wegmans
to shop for Christmas Eve.  We are expecting about 30 people.

This afternoon I decided to make a big batch of food for Little Wonder and Phoebe.
Rice, boiled hamburger and peas, which I will mix with their dry food.  Little Wonder
was throwing up off and on for several daysin a row and it concerned me.
I think he got a piece of a burdock stuck somewhere.
He seems fine now.
 Once again, it was nice to see the sun.

 Sidney has taken over Phoebe's new bed.

 I was in a cooking mood and prepared scalloped potatoes
 and a ham loaf
 along with some coleslaw for dinner.
 Good light.
 Gary went down to watch Coop's basketball game and when he got home we ate.

 I'm ready to get back out by the fire.
 We have two Norfolk pines in the living room that were given to me when
a good friend passed away many years ago.  They must be at least 25 years old
and need to be repotted.  Today I wrapped their trunks with twinkie lights
(I have them all over the place).

That's it for now.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Your decorations are amazing! As is your food!
    Isn't seeing the sun delightful?


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