Tuesday, November 5, 2019


First of all, I found my camera around 10:30 last night.
It was in the bucket with dry beet pulp and the plastic bag I put the carrots 
in each morning.  Why didn't I think of that?

Second of all, Mary and I, along with all the candidates in this photo, lost our races tonight.
Civility did not pay off.
What are we to do?
The community has spoken and bi-partisanship is not in the cards.
Our opponents have been working hard to dump us since 2015.
One of these days I will have to tell you how they have been operating.

Meanwhile back at the ranch.
 Of course we had to get more rain.

This was the first day for class in the house.  I can't count on the Studio being warm enough.
Little Wonder and Phoebe were on full alert as my students drove in the driveway.

 Jenny and I went out to lunch and ran into Topper and Carol at the Diner.

 Before going to Brockport I drove over to Heritage Bell Farm to pick up 
a loaf of cinnamon swirl bread.

 Finally the sun was out and the sky was beautiful.

 Typically on Election night we get together to 
 make phone calls encouraging people to vote.
Turnout makes all the difference, and if the voters don't show up it's hard to win.
 After that, we all got together to listen to the results.

It was a huge group, many of whom have worked their butts off during this campaign
season.  Once again, our Towns are back to one party rule, as they have been
for over 150 years.  
Now it's time to catch a break.

It's a good thing I have a session with SHE SINGS tomorrow.
It's always an upper.

Night all.


  1. You can be very sure that honesty, integrity, loyalty and all those other qualities you have, will win in the end. I watched the RWC presentation after the final match, which was held in Japan ( they were thanked by South Africa for being such gracious hosts) and saw the team from England show such rudeness, arrogance and plain ignorance, as some removed their second place medals before even leaving the podium . worse was to come when one player refused to lower his head to have the medal place. He walked off.And they received a 4 figure fine for being over the half way line, as the All Blacks from my own country did their Haka. They did not go back even after a person in authority asked them to. So in each case, the memory of their rudeness will linger for a very long time. Be sure, Lori, that you have done your very best, and I know so many will agree with this. Enjoy your autumn days and your camera!!!

  2. I think rudeness should be an automatic loss for anyone. I am so sorry for your loss, however perhaps you can rest up a bit now.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that your team lost, they were clearly the better team for the community. Unfortunately, in the current political climate it seems anything is acceptable. The lying, rudeness, cursing, sarcastic rhetoric, no morals and just being nasty comes with permission straight from the top by the current people in power and sets the wrong example for the country. It's like living in a bad reality show. I hope it ends in 2020.


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