Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Good Day For Rolling....

Before going out for chores, the light in the kitchen was strong in spots.
Like this one.
 Unfortunately, I am still waiting for sunshine for the whole day.

 Gary went to a funeral in Albion and I started cleaning out more junk from the loft.
Scott and Jenny arrived just in time to help me move it to the dumpster.

 I dropped off about 125 tins at Goodwill....some were very old and will work for
Christmas cookies next month.  4 huge bags.
From there I went to Wegmans as I am trying to get organized for Thanksgiving.
 Gary started a nice fire and I was not able to keep my eyes know what that means.
I had to get out of my comfort zone and fed the ponies tonight.
Except for Berlin, they were a bunch of muddy disasters.

 Leftovers and a salad for dinner.

 After posting this, I'm going to put on some PJs and get back under a blanket by the fire....again.

Night all.


  1. Lovely to read of your day.Our younger daughter flew up from the far south on Thursday, wallpaper was stripped, ditto Friday, ditto Saturday, and today, what should have been a day or rest, ditto, and then she made apricot slice!!! Family when you need them are such a blessing, and at all other times too.

  2. Love that blanket LW has! And yes, my mules were mud boggers too. But they like comfy with their mud armor. I'd brushed Sundance and the first thing she did was go roll in the mud.


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