Monday, October 28, 2019

Fabulous Weather Today!

 Before I went out to the barn the Town trucks were here for the fall brush pick up.
Absolutely gorgeous by the time the horses were turned out.

 I needed to mow the lawn.
That meant we had to pick up more nuts!
We've had strong winds so I think they are all down now.

 The lawn is looking like a golf chemicals
thank you very much.

 When I finished, the signs had to be rearranged.
One week from tomorrow and we will be finished with this campaign stuff.
 The geraniums in front of the sign keep hanging on.

 Phoebe and Little Wonder were doing a little grazing today...

 and they assisted Gary in the dismantling of the veggie gardens.

 Good light this afternoon...
 and an instant replay for dinner.
Night all.


  1. Very autumn there, all those leaves, great mulch for wintering over a garden.


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