Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Little Rain, A Little Shine....

A dog and pony show today.
They wanted their pictures taken.

 After chores I picked some raspberries to put on my shredded wheat.
They are even better when it cools down like this.

 All of a sudden the leaves have really started to change color.
 At 11 I met Mary in the Village and we did some door to door.
It was very spritzy and cool when we started...
but it ended up being a lot of fun.  We knew many of the people who lived
in that particular area and were given house tours. One couple even gave
us $100 toward our campaign!
We have been very fortunate to have a solid and very generous base,
which allows us to pay for our campaign.  The most flattering part of it all...
we are supported by all parties. 
 Home by one.  I can't believe the geraniums by our sign are still going strong.
 At 3:30 we went over to the Kutz House for a get together.
It was supposed to have been at Finks, but the unpredictable 
weather moved us inside.
 An absolutely gorgeous home.
 It's over 200 years old and the original open fireplace was doing it's thing.
Felt so good.
 Art and books.  My kind of house.
 Lots of delicious things to eat and drink.

 Many of our pals were there.

 I brought this berry pie.  The strawberry on the top was picked in our garden today.
 We left around 5.
 I brought home a new sign supporting Meredith Vacca, who is running for Supreme Court.
 Our yard is jammed, but we feel that all these candidates are outstanding.

Chore duty tonight.  The light was soft....mellow.

 And there is The Rebel, in all his dirty, tanky beauty.
 He and the girls were ready to get tucked in for dinner.

 Now I'm off duty and plan to take it easy.

Night all.


  1. Take it easy??? That will have to be seen to be believed!!! I do, often, so give your self a few more years to catch up to me as I am now. Love those fall shades.

  2. Beautiful pictures! Our leaves are turning too and dropping. I love the old houses too. So warm and inviting. Not long now until the election but I really think you have nothing to worry about.


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