Monday, September 16, 2019

S(he) Sings

 After chores, in my barn ensemble, I went down to the Farmer's Museum for our last meeting
before the Harvest Festival....which is happening this coming Saturday.
 I picked a few things from the garden.....

 and then drove to Nancy and Tom's (with Doug) for our last
rehearsal before we perform guessed it....the Harvest Festival.

It was nearly five when I got home and did not feel like 
cooking, so we went out for a sandwich.
I think I need some nap time.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Garden goodies from your own patch are the best. Yesterday I saw courgettes in the supermarket here, $30 a kg. and guess what, I left them there. Passionfruit in season are about the same or more.Love the basket, that shows them off just right.


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