Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nine Eleven

 For some reason, Rebel and the girls have been more interested in hay lately.

 While I was in the barn, Carina dropped off some bread.
I love bartering....traded her some leeks last week.

 It was around 82 degrees and very muggy.
 The horses spent a good deal of time in the indoor.

 This afternoon I picked some tomatoes
 and around two I met with Gary and a committee from Oak Orchard
to make the final plans for the Farm to Table fundraiser being held this Saturday.
After that I stopped at Spectrum (I might as well move in) as the phone in my car would not 
work, could not get email on my new cell phone, and a group conversation appeared as
a text that I was not a part of.  Totally insane!  On top of that, when I got back to
the farm I could not connect to my computer email!  Then....Apple had to walk 
me through it.  I hope this techie crap is over......
Before going home I stopped at Wegmans for a few things.
The gardens there are beautiful!

 At 6pm I headed down to the Village
and met Mary at her house so we could
walk down to the 9/11 Memorial Service.

 From there, I stopped in at Pints and Politics to meet a
candidate running for State Supreme Court Judge.
 Meredith Vacca.  I was very impressed.

So happy to be home.
I have not been able to catch up for 3 days.

Night all.

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