Sunday, September 1, 2019

A New Table...

 No good light today....dull photos.

 For some reason, the cooler weather is very energizing.
I made croutons....

and worked on some big changes in the library.
 Jenny made arrangements to get two glass tables that were being given away in her building.
She took one for Finn to use as a desk and I got one too.
It's big, sturdy and gorgeous.
What an improvement!  No more cramped space. 
Finn loves his too.
 It was a good excuse for me to clean the library.
 The space is really getting filled with my music stuff, boxes of political necessities, 
all my drums, ukuleles, books and more.
Before chores we drove down to Jenny's with some fresh picked green beans and a big jar of gazpacho.  After that it was a quick stop at Wegmans and back to the farm.

 Rebel and the girls were tucked in just before it started to rain.  We need it!

 I was very happy with the soup....
 and made chicken salad in case we were still hungry.  Gotta use those leftovers.
A weird dinner.
Night all.

Tom Root....Gary did a lot of work in the gardens today.
He was loving the cooler conditions.


  1. That table will give you a lot of space to work on. Looks good too!

  2. Nice table! I am still working on a desk space for me at some point in time. Right now the table in the eating area is my office/bills/play place. I tried having a desk upstairs, but hubby would always call me down for something!
    Beautiful desk!


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