Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Clarkson Academy Day 2

(Anyone who gets through this post is a trooper.)

Much cooler today.

 After chores I got ready to go to the Clarkson Academy Summer Camp for my 2nd day of teaching.
I give these kids a lot of credit for wanting to participate in this
very unique program while they are on vacation from school.

 We continued to work on modified contour line drawings
and the final assignment was to draw on a blank greeting card.

 They had to write a message in cursive on the inside
and send it to a friend or family member.

 Their drawings amazed me, as this was only their second experience.
 I had brought in sunflowers and three stuffed animals for them to use
for their drawings.
 I don't know what is going on in the elementary schools where you live,
but in our district, cursive writing is a thing of the past.
What a loss.
These kids are doing very well with it and will be able to read letters
from their grandparents!

 Are they adorable or what????
 On my way home I stopped at the Welcome Center as our new friends from Ohio (sent to us by the Bacons) were now headed back to Ohio and stopped here for a couple of days.

 By the time they get home, they will have been out for two months.
 It's nice that their dog could travel with him.

 Gary worked his butt off again and finished splitting all the wood that was brought here from Jenny's.  We are ready for winter and won't have to buy any for a change.

 Rebel and the girls were much more comfortable with the temperatures today.
Right now (10:30pm) it's only 60 all the windows time.....

 I picked some tomatoes for Jenny and our friends docked down at the Canal.
Tomorrow we will have to start making sauce.

 Tonight Chris Wilson closed Summer Serenades for the season.
There must have been 350 people there....again.
 Chris has a great following.
 Jenny even made it.  She rode her bike down.

 JW and Jess were there too.
 Carol and Tina.
When I am in the audience,  Chris will sometimes play "Sweet Home Chicago"
for me, as he was a fan of Belushi's version.  It's a nice departure from his ballads
and the crowd loves it.

 A new restaurant/pub opened this past Monday
 so after the concert we thought we would try their pizza.
We met Walt, JW and Jess there.  Time to crash.

Night all.


  1. sunflowers and was there a wee lamb as well? I admire the students so much, what a wonderful experience. Today I showed my friend " The Rebel walking back to his OWN stall", she was most impressed .Yes, she agreed, he would need to be a gelding!!!

  2. Everything looks great! What you're doing at the Academy is wonderful and I'm sure the students appreciate you and are learning a lot. My 10 yr.old granddaughter went to Art Camp most of the summer and the paintings and sculptures she's done are nothing short of amazing. She has a lot of fun too. As for cursive I think it's a shame that they're not teaching it anymore. My grandkids all know how to read and write because their parents taught them. They do sell books to practice and learn with. Have fun!


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