Thursday, August 15, 2019

It's A Very Long Story....

 After cleaning the stalls I went up to the loft and moved some hay around.
 By then the girls were out chowing in the pasture.

 We need some rain.
 Gordy arrived a little before 9 to rototill the arenas and Gary's garden,
(where he had pulled out the garlic).
 The weeds were a disaster and the footing was so dry it looked like a dust bowl.
I felt sorry for Gordy and his tractor.

It tractor was pristine when it should have seen Gordy!

 I picked some tomatoes before going back in the house.
You know what that means.
 REAL tomato sandwiches.  This will be my go to lunch as long as they last.
So delicious!

 This afternoon I ran a couple of errands and was down at the Welcome Center
by 6:30, when "Feedback" was ready to play at Summer Serenades.

The crowd loved this band.

 Charlie and Jeanne C. were in town for the night and it was so good to see them.
They moved to Pennsylvania 35 years ago!
 Dan H. was on duty at the Welcome Center....
we solved all the world problems in between videos.
 Mary was there with Nori.
 Ian (guitarist/Sunday Jam) was there and I finally got to see his new puppy.

 Nancy (She Sings) and Tom were there.  Bill T. (the keyboard player) occasionally
comes to our have seen and heard him before on videos I have posted.
Several of us were there to see his band.

 One of the pollinator gardens has now been planted.
The Village got a grant and much more will be done soon.
The Welcome Center is going to look very spiffy when
all the gardens have been planted.
 The audience was really into it....

 The members of this band were all great musicians

 and vocalists.
I think they will be coming back.....
 After the concert was over we were able to spend some time with Jeanne and Charlie.

 It was starting to get dark....

 and we had not had dinner yet, so we went over to 58 Main with Carol and Topper.
They split a lava cake (as they had already eaten).
 I had a Pittsburgh Salad
 and Gary had a Turkey Reuben.
We were bad.
 A very long day.

Night all.


  1. Music by the water, and the blossom colour!!! Maybe the dust will settle with some rain soon.

  2. What a full day! I love that mule statue! We've got too much rain, we keep hoping that we'd get a dry spell of a week for more hay to be processed. It has been an odd summer.


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