Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Closed the Windows...Cool House

A very beautiful and cool morning that turned into 86 degrees by late afternoon.

 Gary spent a couple hours in the garden pulling up more garlic before going to a meeting.
 Class at 10:30.
 Little Wonder always waits at the door to see who is coming.

A friend stopped over and we had lunch, while I made a big pot of meatballs and sauce.
The crew is coming for dinner tomorrow night and since the house felt air conditioned I decided to 
get an early start.
Made a quick trip to Wegmans and had to visitors before dinner.

 Roasted chicken, pastas salad and tomatoes for dinner.  Yum.
Night all.

Today the County Legislature presented our (Seymour) Library with the
2019 Library of the year award.  It was received by Carl Gouveia, who was the Director
until this past June.  Here he is with my pal, Donna Mancuso....who is the interim Director.
Our community is very fortunate to have this facility available for its residents.
Well deserved by Carl and the staff.

1 comment:

  1. I had the windows open for 3 days before I had to turn the A/C on for my husband's health. He can't breath well in heat and humid conditions.
    We've been having supper grilled or cold salads ... yours looks amazing!


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