Thursday, June 13, 2019


 A very dreary day.

 I hurried through chores as the pups needed their spring trip to the Animal Hospital to
get their heart worm tests.  I was there by 9am.
 Little Wonder was not a good boy.  He did not want to go with the Vet Tech and was 
acting scared and snippy.  So, they did what they had to do with me holding him.
He does not like to have someone pull on his leash...that's for sure.
Phoebe was her usual sweet self.

 Friends arrived around 11:30 and fortunately Gary was excused from work early.
We decided to go to the CreekSide Inn for lunch as they were going from there
to Hobart College this afternoon and the restaurant was on the way.

 It was good to catch up with Ted and Sharyn.
 We see Ted almost every year (he spends his time in Colorado and Florida).

 We have not seen Sharyn for years, so it was a real treat to see her.
 It was absolutely pouring when they left.
We got back to the farm around three and started a fire to
take the chill out.  That was very similar to taking a sleeping pill
and now we are both ready for naps.
Night all.


  1. We had torrential rain too, maybe it is wide-spread.Lovely to catch up with good friends, and a fire, we lit ours as well.Hope you have plenty of firewood, we had a third load delivered last weekend.

  2. We've had some wicked rains again too. It makes for nice pastures if it isn't muddy! Looks like you have been having a busy time of things!

  3. It has been cold here in KY and I have been wishing for a fire in the wood stove. It always puts me right out and I love it. Noting like the comfort of a fire. Glad the pets made it through the vet visit. Never fun!


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