Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Northampton Driving Competition, No Jam and Summer Solstice 2019

A super busy day.

 Bright and warm but not too bad in the humidity department.

 At 10:30 I headed over to Northampton Park for the driving competition.
Always like to take photos there.

 Gary was making his debut selling hots and hamburgers for the Kiwanis Club.

 Quite a few people were driving these marathon carts.

It was so nice out I decided not to go to the jam and kept on talking with my horsey friends.
Home around 2:30 and took it easy....

 until 4:30 when we left for the annual Summer Solstice party at Margay and Ulpi's.
These were just some of the appetizers and I never did get photos of the rest of the food.

 Nice to have a chance to talk to friends that I don't see very often.

 The back yard was pristine!

 By 7:30 we were talked and fooded out.
Do you recognize this chair?
Margay got it at the Library auction.
Night all.
I am pooped.

1 comment:

  1. The horses, stunning.We had a lady from the Netherlands stay with us a while ago, her husband made the carts for her, and she was interested in Friesian horses. Love the outing, the yummy goodies and all else.


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