Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Farrier Made it Today

 What a gorgeous day.  
 In the 40s when I went out to the barn. 

 Class at 10:30.

 Around 2 I went out to the pasture and put halters on Rebel and Berlin as the farrier was coming.
 Such good light.

I hope this means we are going to have a lot of apples.

 Both horses were great for Josh.
Berlin's feet always look beautiful, but Rebel's needed some help.
After his injury that foot was actually a little longer than the other front.
Now, he needs to get his shots on June 1st (hopefully he will be totally sound in the back by then)
and will go back to camp that week.  He's going to be in shock after being on vacation for 
such a long time.

 Late afternoon I ran a few errands and voted on the school budget.
Now, we are trying to get organized for a big dinner party on Thursday evening.
Night all.


  1. We had a beautiful few days here too. Such a nice change. I'm going to miss Rebel, he's such a wonderful horse. It's a shame you didn't get to ride him more, but just having him around was a nice addition to the herd. He will miss you and his girls I'm sure.

  2. If he doesn't get sound, wonder if they'd leave him with you. He's a nice boy.


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