Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

As if we have not had enough rain....
All day long!
And in the high 40s!


 Went to the jam at 1.  Not a bad turnout for Mother's Day,
 We had a great time and many new songs were played.
Ian H. (below) has brought so much to our group.
A superb musician with a spectacular voice.

Doug, who never requests a song, asked Ian to play some blues.

Home at 3:30.
Look at Phoebe!  I have never seen her sleeping in this position.
She looks like a teddy bear.
 We were invited to Jenny's for our Mother's Day dinner.
This morning she participated in the Pink Ribbon Run as a cancer survivor.
It was so cold!  And then she had to do a lot of errands and put together a meal.

I picked some pink tulips for the occasion.

 Before we left, I had chore duty.  It was still cold, wet and windy.
The horses were very happy to go in.

 Jenny loved the pink tulips....

 and we loved the delicious dinner!

 Night all.
I hope our daughters, Stephanie and Jen.... and all our Mom friends had a special day.

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