Monday, May 6, 2019

A Real Taste of Spring....

What a beautiful day.

 After chores I drove down to the Farmer's Museum for a Harvest Festival meeting
(in my barn clothes of course).
 When I got back to the farm I brought Rebel into the grooming room, gave him a good brushing,
cleaned up his pastern (still has an area the size of a quarter that needs to fill in), rubbed his hind quarters with liniment and gave him a good massage.  He's going to need a little bute for a few days.
Saturday night he was having too much fun bucking in the pasture and pulled something.

 I could not ask for a better behaved horse.
 It would have been a perfect day to ride.  Now I'm ready and he can't be ridden!

 As you know, we have way too many flower gardens and Gary is doing his best to get
them cleaned up.  Today he brought home a load of mulch.

 This afternoon Little Wonder, Phoebe and I went for a ride so I could take some photos for the FB page Mary and I have.  We like to keep the community updated on what is going on in our town.
 There has been a lot of activity in a new development
 and at our Town Park.
 We now have an all accessible playground
with a new pavilion between it and a splash pad that should be ready in June.

 A new fence has been installed at Nietopski Field.
 We also have a skate park,
 Snack Bar,
 Lodge (which we have rented out almost every weekend since it opened),
 and numerous baseball fields.

 Home around 4:30 ready for a nap.

 Instead I started pulling some weeds out of the gardens by the indoor.
Can you see who was keeping me company?

Angel was also tuned in.

Seeing that the temperature was 74, Little Wonder and Phoebe had a preview of what heat feels like.

Night all.


  1. haha, tongues hanging out, and hiding among the daffs, your garden with all those tulips in shades together is truly stunning.

  2. Like the kitty hiding in the flowers. Everything looks pretty at your place. Hope Rebel heals quickly and you get to ride before he goes back.


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