Thursday, April 25, 2019

My Kind of Weather...

 I had closed off the small pasture for the past week so the grass had a chance to
grow.  Rebel and the girls were very happy to get out there.

 This weekend, Rebel is going to have to go back to work or he will not be
remotely prepared for camp.  I made arrangements for him to return
the first week in June, and he is going to be missed!  

 If Sidney spends the night outside, he always finds a cozy spot to
take a nap after he comes in for breakfast.
 This afternoon I finished mowing the lawn.
 It has turned
 a lucious green now.

 Late afternoon I mulched the front paddock with the lawn tractor...
Just in time for it to rain tomorrow so they can mess it up again.
 I also picked up all the vines I had cut down in the outdoor arena and then moved
a couple more loads down by the street as there will be a brush pickup on Monday.
We have a LOT more to move.
 Sophie was happy to have a nice clean bed out on the porch.
I washed all kinds of horse and cat things today and went down to
Tractor Supply to pick up some grain.

 Gary worked at Sara's, then helped a friend who is moving his store, and after that he caught
Finn's baseball game.  
No big deal dinner tonight.
Soup and ham salad sandwiches.

Night all.


  1. A very busy day but you got a lot accomplished. I'm so glad the weather has changed. I'll be sorry to see Rebel go he's such a sweet horse.

  2. Looks like a busy day! I planted some bulbs and worked around the house. We are expecting up to 9 inches of snow tomorrow? Eeeks! It will melt right away, but still.


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