Friday, March 8, 2019

Good Light...Morning 'til Night

6 degrees.
 Sidney was happy to be in the house on the heat run.
 I can't believe the flowers on my kitchen table are still hanging on 
and it's been over a week.

 Both dogs went out to the barn with me but it was so cold Phoebe 
went back in the house early.

 Little Wonder would rather put up with the cold
if he can be with me.

 We were all happy to be inside for the duration.

 Many years ago a friend of ours gave us this little Noah's ark.
It is the sweetest....

 The afternoon sun was
beaming through the
west windows creating
crazy patterns on the rugs.

 At 4:15 Karen called when she got here to do chores as Rebel had
done a real number on his front left pastern.
I took out a gallon of warm water and we cleaned it up.
There's a flap and I can't imagine how he did it.
It was so cold the vet wrap would not stick to itself, nor would the tape stick to anything.  Now I have everything inside so I will have better luck tomorrow.
I sure hope he will be ok.
 By 5, the temperature was in the 30s and tomorrow it should be even warmer.

 By the time I got back in the house, the sun was setting and the light was sneaking in.

 We had a good dinner tonight.
Night all.


  1. I think this is like a friend said when at the South Pole.
    It is always cold, just sometimes colder"!!! Hope the injury heals up well for tomorrow.

  2. Dear Lori, I also hope that Rebel's injury heels quickly without any permanent damage. You know, Little Wonder, reminds me of Matthew, one of the cats with whom I live. He's rather me with me than do anything else. Maggie, however, like Phoebe, always chooses comfort. The's a long-haired calico and I think that in a past life she was a CIA agent--really nosy! Peace.


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