Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Return to the Tundra

We are back in a deep freeze for a few days.
 That does not excite me.

 Every morning Gary takes four gallons of hot water out to the water trough, 
turns on the heater and takes off any ice that has formed.
I really appreciate that little ritual.

 After Rebel and the girls finished their breakfast, the sun was out in
full force.  That solar makes a difference.

 Little Wonder was happy to see his pals at class this morning.

 LuAnne returned today with a box full of stamps.
She is going to be working on a collage.

 At 12:45 the farrier arrived.
 Fortunately the grooming room is insulated so
 it was a little warmer than it was outside.

 Rebel and Berlin were trimmed in no time....

 That's when the wind kicked up.  I gave them more hay behind the barn 
so they would have a little protection.

 I must admit, that Gary and I took nice long naps this afternoon.
Our Town Board Workshop was cancelled and we had thought about
going out to dinner in Caledonia.  It's a good thing we didn't!
 Squalls were moving in.

 So dinner was a no brainer.  Eggs, homefries and toast.
Tasted great.
 Night all.


  1. I would stay home too. Hope the snow storm is over quickly.

  2. You're really getting slammed with the worst weather lately. Good day for a nap and breakfast for dinner. Spring has got to be around the corner right?


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