Saturday, March 30, 2019

62 Today....Snow Tomorrow

Well, last night I started to back off the heavy wrapping on
Rebel's foot so more air could get at it.  No more boot, just
protection from the bedding and I think it is speeding up the healing process.
 It was sprinkling when the horses finished their grain, so Karen put Angel and Maggie in the indoor with some hay.  Rebel and Berlin were smart enough to stay under the shed roof.  

 I had a 10am meeting and turned them all out before leaving.

 As soon as I got back to the farm I stripped off their sheets for the duration.

 It was windy and a little spritzy, but just fine.

First Berlin looked for a place to roll  
then Rebel found her spot and did the same.

Angel is Miss photogenic!

 I had evening chore duty and was very happy that the barn 
temperature was 55 degrees.
 For some reason, none of the horses were filthy!

Maybe just a little......
 (Still windy)
 Sloppy Joes for dinner.  One of our regular favorites.
Night all.

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